Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today was the 1st day of 1st grade...

Today C wore the locket we gave her last year on her first day of Kindergarten. It has a picture of me and a picture of MP in it. She had a great first day.
Her favorite part was music; her least favorite part was "second recess because it was too hot outside."

They have three recesses. She did say that the day was too long, though. Last year she was at school for 2 1/2 hours; this year she is there 6 hours. It's an adjustment (for all of us!).


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Amalia said...

C looks really happy in the pics! I'm glad she had a good day...and hopefully she'll get used to the hours...xoox

Jody said...

How adorable that she wears the locket! I love it.

Anonymous said...

It is a stretch for the mind that you have a first grader....time is such a tricky thing. She looks happy with school as usual and I am positive she will adjust to the time - so will you.